10 Brilliant Tips for Online Business Newbies

10 Brilliant Tips for Online Business Newbies Want to start a business? Here are 10 important tips that will help you to build your online business successfully. Have you ever wanted to be an entrepreneur? But don’t have lot of amount for investment. Then, online business is way to go. It does not require lot of amount to invested in and anyone can start from any part of the world. Weather, you are a student or a full-time employee wants be an entrepreneur, starting an online business could be a turning point in your life! We will not guide you how start or what to start in this blog. There are lot of websites where you will find online business guides and strategies. Although it is important to know your basics to establish your business. But instead, we will share few tips from to every newbie who wants to be an entrepreneur. 1. Do What you Love The greatest driving power in every entrepreneur is the passion in them is born from their love and interest. Yes, you want to start your business because you want to be a millionaire but you won’t be to achieve your goal unless you are 100% dedicated towards your mission. When you are starting a business, you must be absolutely sure what you are doing. Starting a business is quite easy but to build it successfully over the year is a challenging task. You have to put same amount of dedication, time and energy year after year which can put you in difficult situation if you don’t like what you do for living. To be a successful in your life follow your passion. Even if it takes time to establish your business you won’t feel stress and eventually you will achieve your goal.  “Do not focus on numbers. Focus on doing what you do best. It’s about building a community who want to visit your site every day because you create value and offer expertise.” -Cassey Ho, Founder of Blogilates.com 2. Keep a source of cash You may not like it, but it is very important to keep a source of cash while you are starting a business. You may find lot of resources claiming to start a business without any investment. But is that really possible? No, you need some sort of investment to start a business. How much you need? That depends on your niche, what you want to start. But apart from your investment you need to keep a reserve cash. You must know your profits will not start coming right away from the first months after starting your business. The best way is, start a business while you have a job. It will help you start the process with enough resource of cash to rotate it. 3. Build a Team Do you know that most of the companies often hire wrong people? You might have noticed big MNCs develop a team culture in their organization where they nurture employees over the period and later put them into managerial positions.   If you want to start a business you also need people who are capable and reliable to do the job. You always need some sort of support while you are starting a business. Invest quality time to build a team.    4. Find a Mentor While you are starting your own business, it is always great to having a mentor to guide you. Find a mentor who can always guide you and give you invaluable advice in every step. In this digital edge its not hard to find a mentor. Search social media channels, browse YouTube videos you will find lot of educational contents. Follow people who are already successful, follow their footprint and replicate their process. Build relationship with other business owners in your community, seek for their advice. You can also take help from consultancy firms.         5. Build Contacts The next tip is building relationships. If you ever seek advice from traditional entrepreneurs, they will guide you- “relationship is more important than money”. If you ask me building relationship is much more important in business than any other thing. Social media channels are great way to start building relationship in your niche. If you are dealing with B2B business then Linked might be the best platform to start with. It will help you find clients and build trust factor for your brand and organization. 6. Create a Business Plan Creating a business plan is highly important. It will help you to investigate and analyze your business idea. A good business plan helps entrepreneurs to focus on every step on their journey to build a brand and make their idea succeed in a longer run. A god business plan must have Business description Company structure planning Market Analysis Financial planning Risk assessment and management planning 7. Do your Research Business research is a very important part for starting any business. Many young wannabe entrepreneurs often overlook the factor and they failed miserably within couple of years after starting their journey.   You may have a great idea you think! But is it really that great to evolve as a lucrative business? Once you do the market research you will be able to identify weather it can be turn into profitable business. Ask questions, check internet to find out the reality.   Analyze the target audience and demographic, Do your math to find out if it is profitable, Find out about your competitors, Learn customers behavior, Learn about market pattern. 8. Build Your Cash reserve The next tip for you is build your cash reserve. Don’t get greedy and pull out all the profit amount from your business. Building cash reserve for your organization is very critical steps which you can’t ignore. It is normal for businesses to see ups and downs. Having financial back up help you to overcome the challenges and build your business successfully.  9. Be Professional Starting off a successful business require professionalism. Right from start take necessary steps

21 Reason Why Social Media Marketing is Important for your Business in 2023

About us Services Branding Demand Generation Web Design Resources Blog Case Study E-Book Contact us X Let's talk Why Social Media Marketing is Important for your Business Social media – there is absolutely no way you have not heard about it. In the last few years social media has completely changed the internet. Actually, whole world today breathes in social media. Having a website or landing page is just not enough for your business these days – your business needs to extend to social media marketing sites like Facebook and Twitter to be effective and compete with other businesses in the market. Do you know 90% of marketers use social media marketing? But some small companies still do not use the social media properly and they overlook the power of the social media marketing. Are you wondering why social media marketing is important for your business? Do you really need it? Yes, you absolutely do need it. 21 Reason Why Social Media Marketing is Important for your Business A Social Media Marketing plan is the summary of everything you plan to do and hope to achieve for your business using social networks. Social media marketing helps you find your target audience, build your brand image and get more sales. Let’s see some of the compelling reason why social media marketing is important for your business. 1. Huge Marketplace Social media gives you a huge marketplace to promote your products. As of now year 2023, the total number of social media users is 4.95 billion people worldwide! And this number is increasing every day. The large volume of people sets social media platforms apart from other traditional marketing method. Unlike the other marketing platforms – print media or advertising media on television, social media is continuously growing. In last few years, social media users are growing at the rate of 9.2% and it is expected by 2025 it will reach 4.5 billion people worldwide. This extensive numbers gives you the benefit to reach more and more people for your business.  2. Get the Targeted Traffic Whatever your business is and whoever your targeted audience is, you will get a substantial portion of customers for your business on social media. You get all kind of traffic in social media from a young age at 16 till old age group 65+ and from different part of the world. A recent study shows that 76% social media users of are in age group in 18-24 in US and, 73% of them live in Urban areas. You get all the numbers and stats irrespective of – gender, location and age that help you to design your product and launch it accordingly. Social media platforms give you the opportunity to promote your business or product amongst your targeted audience and get the desired attention. The traffic benefit from social media platforms can be humongous. You can get millions of targeted traffic with the right approach.      3. Brand Recognition Creating a brand recognition is the most important factor for any business or product to succeed. We as consumers like to choose product that is recognized and trustable. Social media is most effective platform to create branding of any product in short period of time. Because of its large global audience reach it helps you to get the initial visibility of your product or business easily. By using correct social media strategy, you can significantly increase your brand recognition globally. More than 90% marketer claimed that social media help their businesses to grow significantly in last few years. There is no doubt that social media can get you the boost in your business besides building your social media reputation.  4. Get direct traffic to your site Social media is huge, when you combine all the social media platforms- Facebook, Instagram Twitter, Pinterest, etc. its more than millions of people are browsing every day. By using social media platforms strategically, you can bring lots of traffic everyday into your website. If you are doing any online business then it gets even more important to bring traffic to your website. Each time you post new content on social media you have the opportunity to bring new visitors to your site. To get continuous traffic from social media profiles you need to post regularly good content on your account. If your website is well designed then you can easily convert these visitors into customers. 5. Get the Better Conversion Study has been shows social media offers better conversion rates than the other marketing strategy. In social media marketing you can optimize your campaign according to your business needs. You can optimize your campaign as per geo location, age, gender, etc. Social media marketing the biggest advantage is you can target the right set of audience for your product or service. Once you target the right audience the conversion automatically gets better. Every time you post in your account is an opportunity to get the attention of visitors and bring them to your site. Once the visitor is landed in your site its all about the sell pitch to convert them into customers. 6. Cost-effective Marketing Earlier marketing was a challenge for small businesses. They mostly used to rely on print media, as they could not afford the on-air or media advertising. But, since the rise of social media usage, it has been changed completely. Now anyone can use social media platforms to promote their business. Social media accounts are free to join. You can join these platforms and share your business related post straight away. Businesses has both the option they can grow their account organically or via using ads. For placing social media ads, you don’t have to spend lot of money, its more budget friendly solution for you. One can start Facebook marketing as low as 5$ budget a day. Cost per thousand impression can be as low as $2.50. It is 3X less than the other marketing platforms. Social media marketing is the most cost-effective marketing